Monday, January 19, 2009

The School of Rock...

I decided that we would start off every morning with "Movin' to the Music" time. This is the beginning of our Morning Meeting (which is followed by prayer, Bible study, memory verse work and Bible or praise songs). My goal was two-fold. I wanted something where the twins could be included. I also wanted to get the big kids up and moving so they'd be wide awake and work off some energy before their sit down time. A lot of mornings we just do fun songs that call for movement like "The Freeze Dance" by Greg and Steve. This morning was Jackson's turn to choose, so he chose the soundtrack from last year's children's church choir musical. It has really upbeat songs they think totally cool because they sound like real rock music and I think cool because they are singing about Jesus! This morning it turned into a full on rock session. Normally, my goal is to get up and move with them both to be fun mommy and also to wake myself up! However, on this day I sat with cameras (video and digital) laughing and filming. Not only did you have Jackson doing his full-on rock star moves but Ashton was dancing her legs off. Not to be left out, Will and Wesley each received their own guitars to rock out on. Welsey preferred to slam his to the ground perhaps acting more like a rock star than any of them!

These two lovable goofballs came up with this move of hiding behind each other and popping out. The Brady band with their goofy moves would have been so proud!

Wesley soon left behind the guitar and moved onto the microphone. He must have been watching his big brother because he was dancing and singing. This boy truly has some moves. Will, on the other hand, was happy to have the guitar strap around his neck. He loves having things around his neck. It amuses me but mostly terrifies me at what that child squeezes around his neck!

Posted by PicasaWe might have been the only homeschool to start the day rocking out, but I highly recommend it! There's no better way to start the day than rockin' for Jesus!


Betty said...

I love it...that you rock!

Shawn said...

You're puttin me to shame, sista. Shame, I tell you! Ummm, we started off the morning with some buttery biscuits and then some lively turquoise flash cards with our new blends cr, dr, and gr. Fun, Heather...way to be fun.

I'm taking notes!!

Tonya Lee said...

Well, you know I'm doing it all to put you to shame- not! I just get to teach the fun of history and science so that helps. Besides, this is only my 2nd week I', way gung-ho and am sure I will wear out soon :) However, I'm loving having this blog to document what we have done. When I feel like I'm doing a bad job, it helps to look back at what I have done!

Angie said...

That is too cool! We started doing that too after the weather got so yucky and outside time was not happening! The little one now asks for me to put on "Down inna heart" (I've got the Joy, Joy, Joy, Joy Down in My Heart), and the rest are praising and jamming songs, too! (we started learning about Praising God and using our words to honor Him, and the idea was born!)

Don't you just love working through the lessons after everyone is wide awake and the blood is flowing? Why don't the schools do this?!?!!?!