Thursday, October 6, 2011
Mommy Got an iPad!!!!
So, about a week later he finally convinced me that we should just go for it (ironic, huh?). Of course, I later realized that I married an evil genius because I paid for half of it out of my school budget and picked out my own gift!
Since then I have had to referee 56,326,354,564 fights over whose turn it is to play on it, but I've also sneakily downloaded tons of educational games for them to play. I guess that makes me Mrs. Evil Genius ;)
I can't wait to share all the ways we've discovered to use it in our homeschool. Maybe I can even actually blog all the things I want to since on my iPad I can take a picture and then blog it thus eliminating the waiting to download pictures wait time (can you hear angels singing right now? I sure can!).
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Why I Haven’t Done a Sensory Box in a While…
I love sensory boxes. I have an entire board on my Pinterest account where I put all the cute ideas I find for them. I do have plans to do another one soon, but then I remember the feeling of picking up all the little pieces and the look my husband gives me that I have lost my mind. I guess I can't blame him. Our "Going on a Bear Hunt" tub turned into this:
I guess a lot senses were being engaged at least!
Monday, September 19, 2011
Double Trouble Fun...
I am ashamed to say that I don't spend enough time working with the boys as I should. When you are #3 and 4 your over siblings often overshadow you. On this day however, the big kids were gone and I was determined to do something with Will and Wesley. There is nothing they love more than popsicles so I thought it would be fun to teach them how to make their own. They helped me make Koolaid and pour it into popsicle molds. They were surprisingly great about taking turns and letting each other have a chance at all the different things.
They were so preciously excited to be helping mommy. Such a simple thing but such a great memory. The only thing that wasn't so great was how they didn't understand it took a really long time for popsicles to freeze...
Saturday, August 13, 2011
Homemade Goodness...
Since the twins are their father's child I knew this activity where they got to go fishing to practice counting would be a big hit:
I saw this button board on Tired, Need Sleep and knew I needed one :)
The possibilites are endless with this board: fine motor skills, shapes, colors, patterning and maybe even learning how to button their jeans back after, well you know.
Sunday, July 31, 2011
2010-2011 School Year In Review...
We had a great time on "Release Day". We use orange slices to entice the butterflies to hand around a bit. The twins loved it, but it was a challenge to keep them from eating the orange slices :)
Of course, Jackson is in his happy place any time animals are involved:
So, as I look back it truly was a great year. Homeschooling is such an honor and a blessing. I'm even more excited about this year and looking forward to many more years spending time and making memories with my 4 little blessings.
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Why Didn't I Come Up with This?
They even, gasp, worked together! I loved the fire in the middle. This was Fort Nashborough we studied during TN history.
By far, my favorite was the Coliseum since we had just started studying Rome. I thought it was pretty impressive:
They were so proud of their creation (and Mommy was just waiting for the crying, screaming and gnashing of teeth about to happen when this cute little 3 year old knocked it over!).
Monday, May 30, 2011
Music Fun...
As usual, it was a pajama kind of day. In this picture you can also see the edge of the Coliseum they built, an art easel, and a house we were using for our bear hunt sensory bin. Oh, the joys of a homeschooling house...
Then they played a game of instrument go fish. Good times, and they didn't realize it but they were learning the names of all the instruments. Sneaky me :)
Sunday, May 29, 2011
First Chapter Book!!!!!!!!!!
Symmetry the Fun Way...
The bendaroos were perfect for this activity:
Then we figured out what the fraction of each category would be which was a great lesson in fractions:
Then I gave them more fraction questions to do on their own (what fraction are red, what fraction are yellow and blue together). They did great and really showed an understanding of fractions.
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Dollar Store Centers #10...
I so need to make sure to do more learning games with her because she always has this face when doing centers as opposed to the angry face I sometimes (I know, shocking, right.) receive during school hours:
It was a good activity with some good words, especially for a dollar.
Monday, April 4, 2011
Take a Shot at Drilling...
So, come up with a reason to get outside and for a reason to count it as school as well!
Sunday, April 3, 2011
These came out so well I think a framing might be in their future!